Are those rain clouds?

dark clouds (2 of 5)_5184x3888Oh I do hope so…

We stopped the car to see what happens. The clouds darkened and rays of the setting sun shot out laser beams of light. dark clouds (3 of 5)_3888x5184The duck hovered hopefully…

dark clouds (1 of 5)_3634x4845The sun sank further and tantalised with a soft apricot glow.

Back in the car we headed home and a few drops of rain scattered on the windshield.

At home from the back deck the Grevillea stretches toward the dark grey clouds. dark clouds (4 of 5)_5184x3888It is getting dark and the camera tells me to use the flash. dark clouds (5 of 5)_5184x3888Oh my, that is dramatic…

An hour later it did rain. Well not drenching, down-pouring rain, but a gentle, soft, pitter-patter of rain drops lasting 10 minutes. Well anything is better than nothing…


  1. We had a wonderful 8ml today! Feeling lucky. It was forecast, but I’ve learnt not to set much store by the forecasts so as to avoid disappointment.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Don’t worry Effie if you can fix it do so if not worry won’t help.
    We have no control over the weather and little control over the unsustainable capitalist throw away society.
    To live as minimalist as possible is all I can do, We are mortal nature is infinite and impartial it will survive.
    Hey jo thanks for changing the subject back to the beauty in the world.
    And thank you Pauline for sharing the beauty we are still blessed with.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I just love it when the light shines through the clouds like that. It always makes me think of the pictures of the glory of God shining down. 🙂 We’ve had a bit of rain recently for which we’re thankful and may be getting more tonight and/or tomorrow.


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  4. So annoying when clouds build up like that and then just melt away, so glad that you did at least get a sprinkling. Actually a heavy downpour is not so good. We had one a couple of weeks ago and it flooded the conservatory! 15 minutes later and the rain had stopped, but my mopping up took a lot longer! Temperatures due to fall here over the next few days, with rain forecast. After that who knows!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. So many places in the world are thirsting for water these days, a really worrisome state of affairs. Here in Virginia, this summer, we have had almost constant rain! That is unusual for us, as our summers are often humid but not rainy. Your photos with those sunbeams are marvelous.

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