Sunrise is a temporary thing…

To see a sunrise means being in the right place at the right time. That golden glow is a temporary thing as the sun moves steadily upward and the day begins.

So to catch that special moment as the sun lights up Uluru/Ayers Rock we roll out of our warm and cosy camp beds at 4am. Jake has coffee and toast ready for us. It is cold. I think it is about 4C and I layer up with plenty of clothes including jacket, gloves, scarf and of course the beanie…

Jake takes us to a private spot he knows. We have the moment to ourselves, no other tourists. It seems to take so long for the sun to make an appearance. I walk around and stamp my feet trying to keep warm, anxiously watching the horizon.

Then the sky slowly lightens and the imposing bulk of Uluru rises out of the plain.

outback tour uluru pc 157_4000x3000The light from the sun gradually turns the sky to gold and the face of Uluru glows. It was a moment I have dreamed about seeing for a long time. A bird starts to sing and a slight breeze rustles through the foliage. For me it was a temporary moment that will live in my memory for ever.

outback tour uluru pc 209_4000x3000Over to the west the full moon is slowly sinking behind the bulk of the strange shapes of Kata Tjuta (the Olgas). Jack catches a photo of me in my beanie as I capture the moment.outback tour jc 229_3820x2839Kata Tjuta is 35 kilometres away from Uluru and that is our next destination…outback tour uluru pc 211_4000x3000


  1. How fabulous, Pauline! Another amazing moment in a lifetime full of them. 🙂 🙂 Definitely dream come true stuff. I rather more cautiously watch the sun tiptoe over the horizon from a bedroom window or, just occasionally, up on the roof.

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  2. Reblogged this on gypsy life and commented:

    My gypsy life is almost dormant this year, but I did have one fortnight outback adventure that I thought would be appropriate to re-blog here. I hope you enjoy following me into the red centre…


  3. I was right there with you Pauline – so beautifully written. Your photos took me to the place too and made me wonder at all our fellow beings who have viewed this with wonder over the millennia. Lovely start to my day too.

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    • Thanks for the link Jude. He was lucky to be a bit further over and caught the moon as it appeared he is a fantastic photographer. Enchanting is a very good word to describe it. That special golden hour glow is really spectacular, especially on the red rocks

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  4. […] silk – Mistyroads sonja benskin mesher. fleeting . Weekly Photo Challenge: Temporary – Blog #2 Sunrise is a temporary thing… – Living in Paradise… P. Oh. P. – Find. Yummy. Love. ZimmerbitchDP Photo Challenge: temporary Me OtherwiseBook Review: […]


  5. You were camping??? That would have been very cold getting up before the dawn.
    Seeing sunrise/sunset at Uluru is a magical experience, more so with the moon in the background. Beautiful photos.

    I’d love to see Uluru in the rain. I hear the rock turns purple in the right conditions.


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