Changing Seasons : May 2019

It is now 10 days into winter and the weather has changed dramatically from the halcyon days of Autumn. The snow has arrived early down south and the ski season has started. But the southern winds are whistling up to us bringing cold (to us Queenslanders) 16deg temperatures, dropping to record lows of 5deg at night. Time to put extra blankets on the bed and rug up in winter clothes.

May has been a busy month of projects in the garden. The major one was deciding to put up a kit-set greenhouse. But first the site had to be cleared.

The ugly, old, Hill’s Hoist clothes line is banished. The small palm tree is dug out, with difficulty, and the area is levelled.

Following the minimal instructions and with a bit of head scratching and “discussion” the green house is finally ready for use.calligraphy winter garden 011_3888x5184I buy the $2.99, 6 cell seedlings and plant them on into bigger punnets and now have a cosy, safe place to keep them till they are ready to plant out. I have primula, polyanthus, straw daisies, cineraria, phlox and also cucumber and a tomatoe.

The next project was to set up a veggie plot. greenhouse garden front deck 021_5184x3888These tubs are an ideal size, but when I put some seedlings in I found this area was not getting enough sun. So they were moved further down.calligraphy winter garden 008_5184x3888In front of the fish ponds is perfect the sun is here from 8am till 3-30pm.

calligraphy winter garden 010_5184x38884 weeks later broad beans, spinach, radish and coriander are racing away.calligraphy winter garden 017_5184x3888This dwarf tomatoe plant has been coddled along in the green house from a 15 centimetre seedling. Each morning I carry it out to the sunniest spot in the front garden (where the bird bath used to be). Now 4 weeks later it is ready to go into it’s permanent position.

In the front garden the snowflake bush  (Euphorbia leucocephala) is in full flower. The closest we ever get to “snow”. greenhouse garden front deck 027_5184x3888

The other sign of winter is the frangipani tree has dropped all its leaves.calligraphy winter garden 029_3888x5184May was also major pruning month and because it has been an excellent growing season that was a big job to prune, then mulch up all the cuttings, we now have a huge pile of mulched up cuttings hidden at the back of the border against the new fence, slowly decomposing to beautiful compost.calligraphy winter garden 024_3888x5184Last month I cleared out the front borders of the summer annuals in preparation for planting the spring annuals.

I have planted pansies, but look at the great crop of white, plastic forks that have sprouted up! Actually they are a cat deterrent method I found on the internet, and it works. Stops them digging up the freshly prepared dirt for their toilet….calligraphy winter garden 016_5184x3888The pansies are taking over the bed and soon I will remove the forks.

Only a few things flowering at this time of the year.

But the reliable Pentas flower all year and the Crucifixion Orchids have just burst into bloom.

Now to go out and finish preparing the beds for the spring annuals and get them into the ground and look forward to having a colourful display in the next few months.


I am so late with my monthly “changing seasons” update this month. Gosh a third of June already gone. I’m so pleased Su of “Zimmerbitch” runs this challenge as it prompts me to try and keep a record of each month. I can go back to last year and see what was happening 12 months ago.




    • That cat was driving me crazy Tina. It comes round at night, the law says they are supposed to be kept inside at night. So far I haven’t seen it, only the calling cards it leaves behind.☹️


  1. Winter really did come in with a blast didn’t it! The nice thing though is, unlike the southern states, we might get a few cold days and then the sun shines again and the day time temperatures warm up nicely. Today is glorious up here on the range. Good luck with your vegetable garden. Harvesting your own crops is lovely.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Your climate is so interesting. I suspect that it is something like that of Los Angeles or San Diego. It is weird enough to try to imagine it being winter there, but it is even weirder to think that climates are colder farther south

    Liked by 2 people

    • G’day Del, autumn and winter are the best time for veggie growing over here. I don’t grow any in the summer, far too hot and humid. Unfortunately I don’t know where the cat comes from or I would go and talk to it’s owner…

      Liked by 1 person

      • G’day, Pauline! Interesting that your summers won’t grow veg. Guess you must be much hotter than we are—tomatoes are summer growers over here. We don’t get that hot. Yet. Have just started the last Jane Harper, “The Lost Man,” set in 45C cattle country (Brisbane is closest city) and love her books. D’you think that kitty could be feral? Enjoy your cooler weather and pile on the blankies at night! 😘😘

        Liked by 1 person

        • It’s the humidity that brings out all the bugs and fungus problems in summer, plus too hot for me to do much outside. So make the most of this season outside and enjoy blogging and art in the inside aircon in summer. I’ve read the Jane Harper books and love them. Jack’s thinking of getting a cat trap and taking it to the RSPCA for relocation…. 🙀

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  3. So this is what you’ve been up to for the last little while, Pauline, when we haven’t been seeing you. Great idea with the plastic forks- I put a net over my new cutting garden, but forks would be less obtrusive. I’ve used sticks in the past and they have worked well too.

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    • G’day Jane, yes sticks would work too. I’ve used nets, but find the seedlings get caught in them as they grow. How cold is it in your part of Oz? Lovely clear, blue winter days here.


      • It hasn’t been terribly cold, but the worst is ahead of us in July and August. We had rain today, but only about 2mm. Unfortunately.

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  4. You have been busy and very productive! I think that greenhouse would blow away here, but it is obviously useful where you are. I am surprised that you can grow coriander as I would expect it to be too humid. I grew some but it bolted pretty much as soon as it grew due to the heat. I have just sown some lettuce though so we’ll see how that goes! I have missed seeing you on the blogs 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Lovely to hear from you Jude. I can only grow coriander in the winter over here, in fact I don’t bother with vegs in the summer now, just put flowering annuals in their place till this time of the year. Hope you are feeling much better by now. Any visits over here planned?

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  5. It looks as if you are all set for the winter. I always enjoy seeing your gardens through the changing seasons–especially because the seasons are upside-down to ours. Isn’t it fun having a greenhouse? We didn’t get ours in early enough this year to take much advantage of it for our seedlings, but have big plans for next year. Stay warm and cosy.

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