Tropical Broome Sunset

It is 2010 and one of those unforgettable moments that we experienced on our one year journey around Australia.

Come with me and visit Broome in the far north of Western Australia


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This is one of the iconic places in Australia that is renowned for its sunsets. They are always stunning and Cable Beach is the place to be.

About 4-30 the crowds start to gather. They bring the wine, the nibbles, maybe prawns and/or chicken. Choosing a perfect spot to spread the picnic rug, they settle back and the warm, balmy tropical air wraps around them, small groups chatting and enjoying the atmosphere. Maybe go to the snack bar for fish and chips. The in crowd reserve a table at the prestigious Cable Beach Hotel where all the chairs and tables face the beach for natures ultimate performance. The atmosphere is happy and expectant.

The camels wind their way through the people and set off along the beach to take a group of tourists on a ride into the sunset…

A hush falls over the area as the sun dips toward the horizon and the sky turns to that luminescent apricot and pink hue, the cameras are all turned toward the incredible view and hundreds, maybe thousands of images are recorded of the moment. Just as the sky blazes in glorious shades of red a pearl lugger slips into the picture. Perfection; palms, sunset and the boat. It brings back memories of a great evening spent with friends.

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I would go back to Broome in a heartbeat.

Erica asks us to show her a favourite sunrise or sunset. I have so many sunsets, a favourite subject for photography, I have seen so many all round Australia. Not quite so many sunrises, but I do have some memorable ones that I will show in another post.



  1. This post brings back wonderfull memories. I got to thinking about those hermit crabs and the great friends we made. It’s not the destination it’s journey and the people you meet along the way.🙏😎🐨

    Liked by 3 people

  2. You would go back in a heartbeat — I wish I could visit in the blink of an eye! Not long ago I had only learned of Broome because of the strong influence of Asian cuisine (and because of MasterChef Australia contestant Tamara Graffen that hails from there) and thought what a place to put on my travel bucket list. What gorgeous sunsets!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Definitely bucket list material and yes there is a strong Chinese community there from the pearl industry days and the gold mining. Very volatile history


  3. And is that you on that first camel? I once went to a famous sunset spot way down in Key West. Quite a party atmosphere, jugglers (fire), musicians etc and cruise boats all waiting for the sun to set. Sadly on this particular evening it was one of those dismal failures. Oh, well, at least you got the full works 😀

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  4. The problem with australia Pauline, it’s just too darned big!!! We didn’t get to Broome when we visited and I expect we won’t be able to go back, so your photos were just what I needed to experience it second-hand! And camels for heaven’s sake – who’d have thought?!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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