Lens-Artists photo challenge : Colourful…

Colourful, what a delightful “Lens-artist photo challenge” Tina has given us this week. The world is saturated with colour, it lights up our life. To be surrounded by bright, cheerful colours is to be alive.

One of the most intense and colourful experiences happened for me in Canberra. We where house sitting there for 3 months in 2014, (I find it hard to believe that was 4 years ago,) and I was lucky to be there in September for “Floriade”, the annual spring tulip festival. At last, after longing to see it, I was going to be there.


I stood in the centre of a kaleidoscope of colour and was overwhelmed by the beauty of millions of blooms. People swirled around me, but I just stood transfixed, to be here, to see and experience Floriade is a dream come true. I cannot find the words to describe the feeling of pure joy, all my senses taking in being in the moment, the sweet scent of spring blooms, the happy sound of the old organ playing in the background and the laughter and chatter of the families. The vivid blue sky, and the air as clear as crystal.

This is what I posted at the time and I can still remember the joy that moment gave me. (see it here).


021_2966x2061I think these snails would scare our blue tongue lizard…

As if “Floriade” wasn’t enough, I discovered another tulip/spring festival, “Tulip Tops” even more amazing because this was a private garden. This is what I wrote at the time…

Today I entered a wonderland of spring beauty. I was mesmerised by the stunning beauty of Tulip Tops garden. The glorious sight of beautiful beds of tulips, pansies and daffodils surrounded and enhanced by the delicate blossoms of 1000 trees in all shades of pink and white and the delicate green, swaying branches of the weeping willows.

Classical and gentle instrumental music drifted through the air accompanied by the sweet song of the birds. As I slowly walked through this magic place and passed by a small stream and waterfall I heard a chorus of frogs joining the symphony of sounds. ( come with me back in time to see this glorious garden here) 

Tulip Tops PC sx40 018_4000x3000


These are just a few of the almost 200 hundred photos I took, and Jack took just as many. To see more go to my Gypsy Life blog here.

In a couple of weeks “Floriade” and “Tulip Tops” will once more be showcasing the beauty of spring in Canberra. If you have the opportunity, go, it will be an experience you will never forget.



  1. You have a wonderful way with words when you are moved by gardens as these.
    I enjoyed the serenity of Tulip Tops Garden with less people and the choice of music.
    Although the people at Floriade were a wonderfully friendly people from many lands.
    But it would be hard not to be friendly in those surroundings.


  2. The photo with the blossom trees is just exquisite, as were the photos on your original post. What a glorious time of year!


  3. These pictures look like they should be in Holland. Many years ago, I went to a seed grower in Surf. They were growing sweet pea seed at the time. Rather than grow them in rows, they grew them in huge squares, in which they were left to bloom in order to produce their seed. These squares continued for miles, and were quite fragrant. It was surreal.

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  4. Beautiful image to enjoy with my first morning coffee 🌻 Loved seeing tulips in Switzerland. They originally come from Turkey so I found out

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  5. Absolutely gorgeous, Pauline! I’d love to go! Now! We have Floriaden in Holland every year, and I have been there once in my youth – now you made me want to go again. It is a bit closer for us from Sweden than Canberra…Gorgeous shots and I can so well understand the uplifted feeling you had!

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  6. It must be quite a sight and I remember your joy of visiting Canberra. I will have to make do with pots of tulips – choosing which ones is a difficult decision, so many beautiful colours and shapes.

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  7. I’ve been to Floriade twice because I used to live in Canberra and it is every bit as colourful as you’ve shown. I think it’s getting bigger every year. It is a beautiful setting for a floral show.

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