20/20 Photo Challenge : April, lines #2

Another month and another theme in Jude’s Photo Challenge. This month the theme is “lines”. Here is what Jude has to say about lines…

Lines are everywhere in our world. Just look around you. Seek them out to add visual impact to your photographs. There are lines within nature which can be straight or curved and man-made lines are everywhere in buildings and roads and even cars. Even a human arm is a line. (Go here for more information on the use of lines)

This week’s assignment – Look for vertical lines. Vertical lines convey a sense of power and strength, especially when the subject itself is towering and imposing, such as a very tall tree or building. Watch out for diminishing perspective on very tall buildings.

Into the archives for this weeks lines. First 2 images inspired by nature.crystal castle pc 161_3000x4000Walking through this grove of bamboo as they tower above me, it seems as though they are talking to me. The wind blows through, making them rub together, creating weird and eerie sounds.

red bus tour 070_4000x3000_2616x2921It was autumn in Canberra and I fell in love with these Silver Birch trees, A tree I cannot grow in the sub tropics where I live. But they make me think of the mini grove of 3 Silver Birch we planted in our Auckland garden nearly 35 years ago, and wonder if they are still there.crystal castle pc 224_4000x3000_4000x3000The bamboo in the first photo and these magnificent crystals were in the “Crystal Castle” This magical sanctuary is in the Byron Bay hinterland and these 2 crystals are claimed to be the tallest on earth.QUT Brisbane-14_3000x4000Now for man made structures. I caught this student at the Queensland University. Maybe she is studying on her lap top, maybe she is checking her social media…Evandale Lake hi rise 039Finally I had to include the iconic hi-rise buildings of the Gold Coast.


This week Jude has included the cranes on Auckland harbour. A powerful image, bringing back memories for me of when I lived in New Zealand.




  1. Awesome collection for the challenge, Pauline! Your best so far, I think 🙂 🙂 I have some bamboos that will probably feature but not so imposing at this. I love their ‘clack! clack!’ And your crystals are fabulous, but the student is the photo that amazes… and the high rise, though I’m not a high rise lady. 🙂 🙂 Enjoy your week, hon!

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    • We once planted bamboo in our garden, I love their structure, but unfortunately we chose the wrong, spreading variety not the clumping, and in no time it was taking over. It took ages to get rid of it.☹️I would not like to live in a hi-rise but they can make good subjects for art and photos. Hope you had a good Easter, even though it was so different

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  2. Oh, yes, those high-rises are definitely imposing and I like the reflections you captured. My favourite is the one with the student. She really adds scale to those wonderful tall columns and shutters. What a fabulous place it must be to study in. Like you, I love Silver Birch trees. I wish I could replace my boring goat willows with them.
    Thanks for your lovely verticals PP. Stay safe xx

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      • I had hoped that these challenges would force me to take new photos, and they have to some extent, but not as many as I thought. I am going to have to get creative eventually!

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        • I do go for a walk every afternoon, but just around the same 3-4 routes. Need new places to get the photography juices flowing. Oh well I guess it will eventually open up again. But last night they said it may be over a year before foreign travelling is possible. But plenty to see in Oz thank goodness


  3. These are each unique and lovely, Pauline. Thank you! What intrigued me was your comment about the bamboo. Never realised they would grow so tall, or be so closely grown. I bet they so make interesting sounds!
    Stay safe, you two! xx

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