Changing Seasons : June 2020

It has been a month of mishaps and medical appointments. A constant round of Doctor’s appointments, physio, MRI, scans and specialists. With not much time to work in the garden or on the computer. But nature, being quite capable of surviving, continues to do its seasonal thing.

The annuals planted last month are starting to flower. The pansies cheerful, little faces smile up at me as I walk by.june changing season 018_5184x3888

Seeds saved from the prolific marigolds have been scattered around (and protected by the cat deterrent forks) are appearing in a carpet of potential, golden display.june changing season 043_5184x3888

It was June last year when we cut down the palms from the centre bed (see here). Now the vision I had of a bed bathed in light and overflowing with annuals and perennials is slowly evolving.

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Though I have not done much work in the garden this month I still find time, every day, to walk around and find moments of tranquility when I can appreciate the quiet, slow growth of winter still continuing, as the garden prepares for the exuberant growth of spring.

The star of the show this month is the Zygo cactus

But many others are still giving me pleasure. The Busy Lizzies are a riot of colour in a shady corner. The Banksia candles shine. The Wattle is now 2 years old and has produced its first flower stem. The “Peaches and Cream” Grevillea is also 2 years old and I love the unusual, delicate colours of the flower.

In this last photo the Nasturtiums have started their rampant takeover, it will soon be a sea of orange.

The tomatoes have been a tragedy. After carefully nursing them along and watching the trusses of tomatoes developing. Imagining the harvest of deliciousness to come. Something else was also watching them. Overnight it/they ate over half of them while they were still small and green. I put material bags over the remaining few. But next morning the bags had been nibbled through and the rest of the tomatoes had gone…. So far I have not been able to catch or kill the culprit. So I have sacrificed the plants to the compost. Oh well, win some, lose some….

Another shock was the water bill when it came in last week. The amount owing had doubled with an alert notice to check for leaks.

Sure enough look what the plumber found. Fixed now but still waiting for the bill…

But to finish on a happy note my weekly art group and the monthly Calligraphy group start again in July.

The calligraphy group had given us a project to work on during stay at home time. Our mission, if we accept it, was to create 12 bookmarks and incorporate calligraphy or lettering on them. I finished number 12 yesterday and we will be meeting July 12th to “show and tell” and exchange bookmarks with each other.

These are one side of my 12 creations…bookmarks 001_4277x3821

And this is the calligraphy/lettering on the other side.bookmarks 002_4225x3837


I’m so pleased Su of “Zimmerbitch” runs this challenge. Check out her June “changing season”  post. She has an interesting recipe for squash, fennel and orange soup and some background into Maori words. This monthly challenge prompts me to try and keep a record of each month. I can go back two years and see what was happening in June 2018   and June 2019



  1. Pauline this post is a superb accomplishment.
    You have been so busy organising every thing.
    You are a hit girl looking after me as well as a caterpillar killer and a forking cat deterrent.
    As well as all that you keep us posted..

    Liked by 2 people

  2. How terrible to lose your tomatoes. But your garden is a joy Pauline, and I love our monthly strolls through it.

    Your bookmarks are wonderful; I couldn’t choose a favourite (not that I have to), but special mention has to go to the flying books, the windmill and the butterfly.

    Hope Jack is on the mend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Laminating would be a good idea. I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone else has made. It will be good to get back together again, but, of course all social distancing, no hugs, and we have to disinfect our working areas when we have finished.

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  3. Pansies baffled me only for a second before I remembered where you are. I just posted pictures of ours from last spring that are somehow still going. Because there is no one here, we did not plant any warm season annuals. The cool season annuals are still out there, and will get removed as they succumb to the warmth, but will not be replaced. In your region, I would be concerned about what is eating the tomatoes. I would not want to work in the garden if I thought there might be a wallaby out there!

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  4. The creaks and groans of age catch us all up sooner or later, hon. Hope it’s nothing major. And thanks for always being so cheerful and positive. The bookmarks are a lovely idea. Hoping July will be kind to you both 🤗💕💕

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Your garden is a triumph to the work you both put into it. Thank you for the visit. I hope Jack is on the mend and at least free from pain. Your bookmarks are gorgeous – I’d buy one in a heartbeat 💓 Wishing you both a more peaceful July xx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Your bookmarks are delightful. You’ve given me ideas of craft with my grandson. It is disappointing when veggies disappear like that. Our failure here are capsicum. Sending best wishes fro Tassie.

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  7. What a month, Pauline! You will be pleased to see the end of it. Hope you and Jack are both sorted now. As always, your garden looks great. Still time to get some more tomatoes going. I wonder if the problem is rodents? They love my tomatoes. However so do the possums. Might even have had the odd flying fox try them out as well.
    I’m voting for the green leaf bookmark. I immediately fell in love with it. I know I should know the name, but hmm, my memory is not as good as it once was.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Sorry to read about the physical problems, the tomato problems, and the water leak. That being said, I’m glad you have your beautiful garden for solace and joy. I scarcely know what to say about the bookmarks. They’re delightful and I’d take one in a flash, especially as my favorite hasn’t been chosen by anyone. It’s the one in the bottom right corner with the window and the flowers. 🙂

    Cheers to you both!


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    • Time will fix most problems Janet. The leak was, fortunately, fixed. I have salvaged a few tomatoes and the bookmarks were a lot of fun and being small could be finished reasonably quickly

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  9. Glorious photos of your beautiful garden, Judith. I love your ‘ cat deterrent forks ‘ . I might have to steal that idea ! The bookmarks are gorgeous !

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Sounds as if you had a rough month. I would have thought that tomatoes would thrive where you are, but who knew that you’d have critters eating them. Fortunately for us, nothing seems to want to eat the tomatoes but hornworms, and they aren’t hard to manage.

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  11. Those bookmarks are stunning! I like to collect artistic bookmarks, even though I usually don’t use them much.

    That’s a clever way of deterring cats from digging in flower beds! I’ll have to try that next time I plant.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I usually put whatever comes to hand as a bookmark, but I’ll soon have a collection of “proper” bookmarks to use
      Those forks certainly work and they can be used again and again

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  12. A beautiful roundup as always – I so look forward to a walk through you garden once a month to see what treasures abound!
    The bookmarks are lovely and enticing! I am so taken by your play on Hokusai’s wave – so clever!
    Hope your outings next month are more fun than they were this month!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am so pleased I have been keeping these “changing season” posts as I can now look back and enjoy the garden we created over the years, now we no longer have a garden. Looking back it is surprising how I forget things.


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