Changing Seasons : March…

It has been another month of Torrential rain, A total of 550mm. Just 3 weeks after the catastrophic downpour of last month, and just as, with the help of the “mud army”, people were starting to get the mud and debris cleaned out of their houses, another rain bomb hit. 

But april has entered with a smile on its face. The sun is shining and a soft gentle breeze is blowing.

March is a special month for us as we both have our birthday on the same day. Last year we treated ourselves to a special classical concert at Sanctuary Cove. (see here) This year was extra special as Jack is 90 and I am 80. Wow I can’t beleive so many years have gone by. The celebrations went on for 4 days. Lunch with friends, special morning tea with neighbours, son coming up unexpecedly from Sydney for the weekend, birthday seafood buffet with sons, picnic at the beach with another son and extended family. It all made us feel very special and loved.

On one of the fine days we went for a wander around the Gold Coast Botanic Gardens. And took time to sit and soak in the tranquility and beauty and try to capture it in a sketch. 052_5184x3888

The garden is doing very well. Especially the Blue Ginger. Being a tropical plant it loves this wet weather and it has flowered profusly this year.

The wet weather also suits the Dragon Fruit with extra large, juicy fruit this year.009_4000x3000 - Copy

Jack’s 4th generation Desert Rose seedlings have now moved from the nursery wing of the greenhouse out into the kindergarten area, to be watched over by the chook and pelican…

While I was looking around this morning look what came wandering out from behind the pots heading straight for my feet. Haven’t seen him for a while, it was a lovely surprise to see him back. A bit of a worry though as I thought he may bite my toe…

Jack feeds the fishes every day and they swarm all over his hand, nibbling at his fingers. 056_4000x3000

A couple of Rainbow Lorikeets, along with a gang of Noisy Miners, have made the deck a place they regularly shelter on during all the heavy rain.

March is always my favourite month of the year and this year I have a small reminder of the northern autumn. We were given a bonsai for a birthday gift, a Japanese Maple and it has developed beautiful autumn coloured leaves. 014_3000x4000

I find Autumn a very tranquil time of the year and love to just walk around the garden every day and sitting on the various benches and seats absorbing the beauty and diversity. Come with me for a look around. 012_4000x3000

As the sun sets walk with us to Pelican Lake and sit awhile to watch the sun set.20220316_174709_4128x3096033 (2)_4000x3000

Ju-Lyn of “Touring my backyard” and Brian of “Bushboys” jointly host this monthly challenge. Pop over to say “G’day” to them.


  1. Pauline and Jack, that seafood buffet and the plate of desserts look de-lish-ous. Lovely to hear that you enjoyed your four day celebration! Cheers🥂The garden looks as gorgeous as usual. I’m currently eradicating all mud, mould, and drowned plants which all takes time – and STILL eating egg plants.

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  2. Goodness! I got distracted by that news broadcast. At least weather is predicted more accurately than ever. (The last severe floods here were in 1982, prior to such accurate forecasts, and were not expected to be so severe.) People there talk funny. Does anyone know what ‘r’ is for?
    My colleague down south only recently acquired blue ginger. He had been wanting it for years, but could not find it. Only after acquiring it he realized that it is not related to ginger. He got one for me also, but it can not live outside here.

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    • The sound of language can be quite strange can’t it? My Yorkshire accent sounds quite different to the “normal” Aussie accent over here. Hopefully the worst of the wet weather is over. Winter is normally our dry season. Oh well we will see, nothing is normal at the moment. I love the vibrant colour of the blue ginger.

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  3. Sorry about all the rain and mud. Happy belated birthdays! You both look great. Both my husband and I have our birthdays in March exactly two weeks apart. One of our best friends back in Illinois shares my husband’s birthday and our first grandson was also born near the end of this March. 🙂 Your garden looks lovely as usual.


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  4. Such a happy month (inspite of the floods :/) with those lovely special Birthday celebrations Pauline ! You and Jack certainly looked like you had a grand time congratulations xx What an abundance of colour all round in the garden … the dragon fruit colours really pop and look particularly luscious 🙂

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  5. What a wonderful month! I am so glad the rain has missed you – well the flooding – and you were able to get out and celebrate in style and with the family! Those desserts look amazing! As Cindy said, you are both loved and very special people and you have created your own slice of paradise there. Long may you enjoy it and each other xx 🎈✨🧁 Hip hip hooray!

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  6. What a month you two have had. Congratulations on your joint birthdays! Am delighted the celebrations went on for days. Could not believe – a SEC-ond rain bomb?!?! Thank you for including the Youtube, even if it was harrowing. Is the dragon fruit related to kiwis? Kinda looks like the same sort of seeds in the sliced version. More later today…

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    • G’day Del we usually go away for our joint birthday so it was a lovely change to spend it with family and friends. Dragon fruit is a prickly succulent, no relation to kiwi fruit. See you are busy creating 🧵👚👗🤗

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      • Thank you, Pauline, and g’day to you! Hmm, “a prickly succulent,” eh… and available at grocers? Am guessing they’re not grown on any large commercial scale? Very interesting! Thanks for the photos. xx

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  7. Oh oh oh! Happy happy birthday to both of you – such amazing and lovely and treasured ‘human gifts’ on this planet. Yes, you are gifts to all of us, and reminders that in a world with so much dysfunction, there is goodness… and peace… and hope.. and gorgeous gardens – where even the snakes live in harmony with the humans…
    and that sketch is lovely — I am guessing that filling in that negative space behind the big rocks was really relaxing…

    we too have had a lot of rain and flooding – even lightning with is not often witnessed here, so it scared a lot of people. (I just thought, ‘lightning. unstable weather/ hot/cold – why here on the coast? – a flag that our weather is changing too.)

    through it all, we cling to our core values, and we cherish those things that give us comfort – and keep up grounded.

    just knowing that the two of you are there – makes the world a much better place.

    love, lisa

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    • Oh my dear Lisa what a lovely comment that is, it warms my heart to hear from you. I do love my art and find it very satisfying to sit and look carefully at what is in front of me and try my best to recreate it.
      I think weather patterns are changing right round the planet quite noticably. Jack says it is Mother Nature fighting back.
      Take care Lisa. Love and best wishes from us both


  8. How lovely for the family to help you celebrate your special birthdays in style. May there be many more!

    We got another 17mm of rain overnight. It was pouring at midnight and again at 5am. And it’s a tad brisk today. Your garden looks gorgeous as always.

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  9. Happy belated birthdays to you and Jack. You both look fabulous and I’m glad to see you had celebrations worthy of the birthday milestones. Hope your winter dried things out a bit. I love how you have transformed your garden in these past years. It’s really flourishing.

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    • Thanks Brenda, lovely to hear from you. Winter is usually our dry season, but never can predict what the seasons bring us nowadays. Anyway if it does get dry at least the garden has had a good soaking to get it through…

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