Birds on the Balcony…

I briefly mentioned in my recent “Changing Seasons” post that I have started a small balcony garden.

It didn’t take long for the lorikeets to find it. 



They seem to be discussing it “shall we go down?” lorrikeets

“Come and see what I have found”20240401_082446

Hope you are all having a happy Easter. 20240401_105557 easter bunny


  1. I can see why management might not want you to feed them, birds do make a mess, but it is a pleasure to see them and I suppose they are attracted by your greenery, being so high up. I am very surprised that they do fly so high when there are obviously no trees.

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    • They are very cheeky and some residents complained that they knocked things over on their balconies and dig around in pot plants, scattering the soil around. And of course they do leave their “calling cards!!” behind 🤭


  2. I’m delighted to see that you are still growing things in your sky-high tower! While I can understand how the Lorikeets could become a nuisance if fed, it seems like occasional visits would be worth any mess.

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