
Have you ever heard of the word “sonder” : sonder – n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own

Here is a lovely video that beautifully explains it.

I often think of this and look around and wonder about the life of people I pass by. Well this afternoon as I walked along the beach front on my daily exercise walk I noticed this huge canvas attached between 2 trees. Then I realised it was a painting.beach painter sunset 009_5184x3888I just had to wander over and have a chat. Wayne was taking “plein aire” to a whole new level. The canvas was from Bunnings, just $20 he told me, painting on a budget. He loved getting out into the open air to paint. Of course now it is Autumn the weather is perfect. His themes are life’s journeys. Can you see the humpback whale is morphing into the ocean and the reds and purples represent Mount Warning the extinct volcano not far from here.

Time to move on as I wanted to be round at Pelican Lake in time for the sunset.

It was such a pretty cloud formation and the sun was just reaching the horizon. I wasn’t the only person at the park.beach painter sunset 017I noticed this man obviously meditating and I wondered about his life story, but didn’t interrupt him.beach painter sunset 037_5184x3888

It was golden hour and looking back at these trees they were bathed in a soft pink glow.beach painter sunset 024_3888x5184A canoeist powered his way to the shore then he to sat in his canoe watching the sun set.beach painter sunset 030_5184x3888beach painter sunset 026_5184x3888 I am an avid people watcher and often talk to strangers. People do have such interesting stories to share. I think that is also one of the fascinations about WordPress, we all share in each others stories and I love the community spirit that develops as we comment and like each others posts.

Now it is Autumn and the weather is so beautiful, my favourite time of the year, I have made the commitment to walk around the block, that includes down to the beach, at least 4-5 times a week. So as this is my first week of the new regime I would like to share this walk with “Restless Jo” and her group of world-wide walkers. Jo has a lovely gentle walk this week exploring the past of a delightful fishing village in the Algarve.


  1. What a wonderful spot to sit and meditate, Pauline. 🙂 🙂 I like to chat to strangers too. My son used to look at me in horror if I started a random conversation, but you never know who you might meet ‘out there’, do you? It’s a good word. At first I thought ‘sunder’- a completely different track. 🙂 Thanks so much for your lovely and always lively company, darlin.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I love to learn new words, this is a good one. And I would love to join you in your daily walk to the beach and the park. I’m quite a shy person, but often find myself chatting to strangers or them to me! I must have one of ‘those’ faces 😀 😀


  3. Everyone has a story – and that is so beautiful. I loved that video, and found some more from the same source. Never heard of the word though. Now I learned something new again…thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What a lovely, reflective walk. I’m much more likely to talk to strangers the older I get. It’s (sometimes, before I offend anyone) a North / South thing here too: my London relatives are horrified at even making eye contact!

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  5. You caught the golden hour perfectly and have inspired me to start walking with you.🙏 If that’s ok with you because people seem to respond better more when you are alone.
    This post got my motor running☔️🌞 I am ready to roll hope the weather holds. It doesn’t matter rain or shine I am looking forward to a wonderous walk.😎

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  6. People are fascinating no matter how you look at it. Perhaps wallabies are too. Anyway, the most unreachable people, those who we will never meet, but might have strong feelings about, are sadly some of the more fascinating. For example, terrorists who would attack anyone who is not like them just because they are not like them are the sort of people that most of us would not ever be acquainted with in a good way. Yet, I sometimes wonder about them and how they got to hate us so much, and what they think of us, and how they can believe that we are so bad. I can not comprehend their experience.

    Liked by 2 people

    • That is a very interesting comment Tony. I also wonder if those people had more positive interaction with others they may change their viewpoint of the world. But maybe that is just being naive.


    • I like your smile. A smile is friendly communication in any language. It could be the first small step in breaking down barriers between different types of people before they get out fo controller.🙏😎🐨

      Liked by 2 people

      • Thank you. That is such an accurate observation. I use my smile for that exactly. So many perceive me as a threat, so I smile quite a bit. I do not need to smile for children so much. They are perceptive enough to know that I am not a threat.

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  7. I I didn’t know there was a word for it! talk to strangers as well, that’s even in my ‘about’ section. It’s brought me masses of pleasure throughout my life and dare I say to some of those people too. You have a lovely block to stroll around Pauline.

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  8. Such a lovely post, Pauline. I have heard of the word before, and often wonder about other peoples lives. Sometimes you just have to stop and chat to strangers, a experience that always brightens my day. Thanks for sharing this delightful golden hour walk 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. and what a wonderful and peaceful walk it was! it was as if we were there with you, peering at that lovely painting, giving the sunset meditation person his privacy, admiring the person in the boat, who was also a kindred spirit to the others who were drawn to that particular gps point! yes, this post is perfect for jo’s weekly walk!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I like to think of us all as connected even in a very remote way. This word has become one that Jack and I use a lot, as in “lots of sonder here” when we are in a crowd… 🤗


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