The joy of wild birds as friends…

Every day, in fact 2 or 3 times a day the Butcher bird will visit. He has a lovely song listen to him…

The kookaburra also calls in, but only occasionally. Look at his big beak. Jack has to watch his fingers.

But then the noisy miner birds realise there are intruders in “their” territory (our garden) and they gang up to aggressively chase the kookaburra away.

Another blue tongue lizard turned up in the front garden this morning.

I’m going to miss all our wild friends when we are away for 2 weeks.




  1. this post share made me so happy tonight –
    the videos brought me right there and it was cool –
    safe travels – and like Janey said – they will be there waiting for ya upon retrun

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wonderful post Pauline.
    I let the Butcher bird listen to himself and he approved, by making it a duet.
    So I got him some mince meat, he has me well trained.
    We sure do live in paradise a garden of Eden.
    Without the apple tree just Paw Paw, Dragon Fruit and lots of native trees to attract the birds.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I love hearing the Butcher bird’s pure clear notes in the morning. They’ve been very vocal around here recently, obviously there’s a gleam in a few eyes!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. The birds will still be there when you get home. I was sad to be leaving my bird friends at my old house but already they are beginning to visit. There are different ones here too. Lots of Lorrikets – apparently some have bred with escaped caged birds and sport quite unusual colours. It will be interesting to see some of them one day.

    Liked by 2 people

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