Romance is in the air…

It was the night of the super moon. Feeling romantic we took nibbles and thermos of coffee down to the beach to watch it rise over the ocean. We weren’t the only ones down there. super moon pc 018A gentle breeze cooled the air and slowly the evening descended. The lights came on in the distant buildings.

Looking south to Burleigh headland…

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Looking north to Surfers Paradise…


A lovely young couple sat near us and as the moon gradually appeared from between the clouds he began to serenade her.


The moon painted a golden path across the ocean as it rose higher.untitled-8-6Then it disappeared behind a big bank of clouds. Time to go home.

But the best was still to come. As we sat on the front deck the moon made a spectacular, but brief, appearance from behind the hi-rise buildings at the end of the street. untitled-1-1


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