The Project…

Do you have a “to do” on your list that just keeps getting put off? Well for me that mission was to clear out the garage. That repository of all things that may, one day, be useful. For example, the camping gear that lived in Matilda, our old Toyota Hi-ace camper van, that we took all round Australia with us. Matilda was sold back in 2014 but all the gear is still lurking in the back of a cupboard in the garage. Boxes of books we are never going to read again. Kitchen utensils, computer equipment that we no longer know what it is for, but I’m sure it may be needed. The list goes on…

Do you really need that ? This is just the start…

Well a couple of months ago Jack and son decided to convert part of the garage to a workshop/man cave. They were full of enthusiasm. But first came the big clear out.

Then some where had to be found for all my gardening equipment. So this started a second project. Building a shed to keep my “gardening stuff” in.


First of all a corner of the garden needed to be cleared and then a pad of concrete laid.

Then the fun part. A trip to Bunnings to buy the kitset shed in a cardboard flat pack. I had visions of the building of the kitset wheelbarrow. (Remember that?) Well this was much larger but surprisingly easy to assemble.

seedling desert rose 008_5184x3888It fits very neatly into the corner. I’m delighted with it. Look inside, everything is handy to my potting and working area.

Did you notice trellis had been put on the side and I put a climbing Hardenbergia, a pretty, pea-like native in a pot at the base of the trellis, it is racing up the side.shed garage 022_3000x4000Now the serious work of converting the garage can begin

No labour-saving tools yet so it is all hand sawing. But it slowly starts to take shape.

A lot of discussion takes place. The old adage, measure twice and cut once… Do you like Jack’s “builder Bob” outfit???

The “big boys” toys are being installed.shed garage 026_4000x3000Well look at it now. They are both so pleased with the finished project. It took a while of just weekend working, but now it is ready for some serious projects.

So that is the final project for 2017.

Yesterday was a delightful family Christmas of present swapping, snacking on chocolate, chips, cheese and crackers, followed by salads, cold meats, pavlova, fruit and icecream. Then the heat and humidity built to a fantastic light and sound show as streak after streak  of lightening exploded across the darkening sky and the thunder rumbled and crashed right over head. Then a blessed Christmas present for the garden as the rain poured down. The trip to the beach was abandoned and we all gathered around to play Australian monopoly and an hilarious game of Pictionary.

It’s a pleasure for me to be back with the blogging community and I wish all my blogging friends a happy, healthy and safe 2018. May your dreams come true.sunset christmas 2017 028_3231x4509



  1. Pictionary! I haven’t played that in ages 🙂 🙂 Don’t we grow our sons tall these days? James is 6′ 4″. 🙂 It looks a hive of industry at your place and scope for many future projects. Glad you had a good Christmas, Pauline. They’re all good when surrounded by family, aren’t they? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My kind of post – DIY. 🙂 Your boys got themselves some serious toys so you should be seeing some nice projects. Nice shed for all your gardening equipment. And, it sounds like you had a marvelous Christmas with family, good eating, fun and laughter. Now, may I wish you and yours a happy and healthy new year. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Judy, they are serious toys so I am expecting great things next year, I love my shed, so handy to have everything so handy to my work area. Here’s wishing you a happy and creative 2018

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  3. Well that does look like a serious workshop, I wonder what they are going to build? I also like your shed PP. Mine is wooden, and gets damp, and lots of spiders live inside so I try not to spend too much time in it. I so need to clear it out though when we get a nice dry day, as I am sure there are things which are past being of any use in there. Sounds like you had a lovely Christmas Day with the family and enjoy having them near again.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love practical projects like yours – organizing tools for the garden or whatever! Have a couple of my own lurking in the background that I should just get in with. Sounds like a perfect family Christmas- storm and all🎄

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great garden and garage job – and having fun at the same time! I so wish I could fix my garden again…I have a slipped disk (the correct name of it?) in my neck nowadays and cannot weed the garden or wash my windows and such things anymore. Nothing to do but accept it. My husband is not interested in the garden – it was mine. Heartbreaking to see it now. I so enjoy your pictures and stories about things developing. Jack and son looks really the best work mates!


  6. That looks to be one wonderful man-cave and I will not show it to Graham as he would love to have that amount of space. I’m so glad you got your own shed though. Everyone’s set for action then. Lots of happy doing and making in 2018.


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