The work goes on…

Remember we had a major pruning of the Golden Cane Palms in the front garden (see it here).

Some of the trunks Jack saved as he had another project in mind for them. Here they are 3 weeks ago waiting to be dragged round to the back garden.

dragon fruit corner sunset 006_4000x3000This is what he did with them yesterday…

dragon fruit corner sunset 018_4000x3000They are now supports for Dragon Fruit to climb and drape all over and we are hoping for a good harvest of these delicious fruit later this year.

004_5184x3888The supports Jack used at each end are the pallets that once were the defunct pumpkin palisade, (here in its glory days) (here in its demise). The dragon fruit need full sun and, unfortunately, in the summer, when the frangipani is covered in leaves and flowers, a couple of the branches will block out the much-needed sun. So out came the chainsaw.  Can you see where they have been lopped off?

The corner to the right of the photo is what we call the “wilderness corner”


Blue bird hangs out there among the palms and bromeliads. Spiders colonise this corner and I allow the fallen leaves and dropped debris to accumulate for the occasional snake to slither through and the blue tongue lizard to rustle around searching for snails and other tasty morsels. dragon fruit corner sunset 026_4000x3000The wine barrel fish pond nestled into this corner and is brimming with small fish. In summer it will be covered with water lilies.dragon fruit corner sunset 025_4000x3000Next to the pond is a lovely place to join Buddha and sit in contemplation looking out across the other fish ponds  to another corner of the garden.dragon fruit corner sunset 028_4000x3000This is another view of the newly created Dragon Fruit forest area to the right. The trellis at the back hides my garden shed and growing up it is a native Hardenburgia.


After planting it, approximately 6 months ago, it rapidly raced to the top of the trellis, shedding all the lower leaves. now it has reached the sun at the top of the shed it is happy and has just started flowering and spreading across the netting Jack has put over the shed roof. But it has left the trellis bare so I have taken cuttings of the star jasmine and plan to train that along the bottom of the trellis. I think the combination of the white, sweet-smelling jasmine and the purple Hardenburgia should look attractive.

A garden is a never-ending pleasure. Constant change and a lot of trial and some error, but never boring.

I am excited because this coming weekend we are going to the Nambour Garden Expo, the largest garden show in Queensland.

Watch this space…


  1. Oooh, exciting weekend ahead, Pauline! 🙂 🙂 I love a busy man. Speaking of which, I’m taking mine on a Tall Ship for a short cruise off the coast of Sunderland on Thursday. Hoping I won’t spoil it by being seasick. 🙂 (it’s a surprise for his 65th)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Someone else was just talking about dragon fruit. I mentioned that they are sometimes grown out in front yards in Los Angeles, and can get rather unsightly. They are really more utilitarian than pretty, like other fruit trees.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Definitely not pretty as they drape in all prickly directions, but the flower is stunning for a very brief time and I think the fruit is delicious on a hot day after chilling it in the fridge

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  3. Love Jack’s ‘adaptive re-use’ of the palm trunks. There are so many intriguing corners in your garden, and especially the ‘waterway’ from the wilderness corner and the wine barrel pond. It all looks very happy.

    Liked by 1 person

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