Changing Seasons : January 2021

I generally look on January and February as hibernation months from the garden as the temperatures usually rise into the mid 30’s and humidity rises to uncomfortable levels. So it’s just a wander around in the early morning, doing a few maintenance tasks, then back indoors to escape the heat of the day. As a bonus, last month, I had downsized the pot department and through January we had a beautiful month weatherwise with 131mm of rain spread evenly across 21 of the 31 days this month, so very little watering was needed. This was due to the El Nina weather pattern, that they tell us is dominating Australia this year, the temperatures have only been in the mid to high 20’s and the humidity has been bearable.brown 008_5184x3888

The flowers love the rain and it brings out all the glowing colours.january garden 003_2837x3388

But the birds are not so happy with continuous rain and shelter on the deck to try and keep dry.

So this month all projects are put on hold and I will just wander round  and show you the garden from a few different view points.

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I love sitting on the bench and watching the play of colours as the sun highlights everything. It is mainly leaves, grasses and bromiliads, but geraniums , on the left, and the Vincas, on the right give a bold splash of red. In the bottom right photo the brilliant white is the everlasting frangipani, grown from a cutting from a friend. Plumeria pudica is a very fast growing evergreen frangipani, common names include Hammer leaf frangipani and Everlasting Love. It flowers for a long period, does not get the terrible rust disease the common Frangipani gets, and, being evergreen, does not drop it’s leaves.

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Now we have meandered around the front garden, maybe spent a little time sitting on one of the seats to admire the vistas, or maybe pulled a weed or two, or snipped back the occasional rampant growth, it is time to look at the back garden.

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Buddha presides over the lily ponds.

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All the veggies have been put on hold till April, but easy care herbs fill the veggie raised gardens.

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January seems to have flown by and, thankfully, here in Australia life is getting back to normal.

I am now into the third year of keeping a monthly “changing seasons” record with the prompting and support of Su (zimmerbitch). It encourages me to gather my thoughts every month and be able to look back over the 3 years I have been keeping this virtual, monthly diary.


  1. That poor soggy bird. But your garden is an absolute triumph, Pauline. El Nina has her good points then. At my end of the planet I think she might also be responsible for never ending wetness. It was alright when it was snow, but heavens, the mud!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. What a gorgeous healthy garden! The colours are delightful, the plants so different from the the ones I can grow here that it’s quite a tonic.
    We are hoping for rain here. It’s been quite hot for the last couple of weeks, but also windy which is deadly for the garden. It’s back to watering again!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Such a delight to visit your lovely garden, a treat I look forward to every month. Gorgeous colours. Our gardens are just beginning to wake up again, though the rain and wind aren’t helping the poor flowers. Still something to look forward to as the bulbs begin to poke through the soil.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Lovely to experience your beautiful garden! It is looking magnificent! I can totally relate to your comments about not doing much in the garden during January and February! Most of my gardening projects are on hold until the cooler weather arrives. I love your lily ponds! I am planning to install one during the winter period, and have bought a fibreglass shaped one. I have been doing a lot of reading on creating a natural wildlife pond. This project is going to be quite challenging for me!


    • The pond in the back garden is a fibreglass childrens paddling pond given to us by a neighbour when their children grew out of it. In the front garden we have to large pots with the bottom holes blocked up. Jack loves his fish and water lilies

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      • I have a taller pot with a blocked hole which I might also add. Thank you for that idea! I’d be very interested to hear how you manage to keep cane toads at bay? I’m keen to attract the little native frogs to the pond, but not the cane toads. I’m also concerned about fish eating the frog tadpoles! If you have any information on that I would really appreciate it. Thank you in advance!

        Liked by 1 person

        • We are very lucky as the cane toads have not invaded this area, thank goodness. I can’t help with the frogs as we tried to encourage them, we got some native frogs from a local lady to start off, but I think the fish ate the spawn and the just fizzled out never to return. Of course we had to have fish to keep the mozzies away. Incidentally you should’ve seen the frog ladies garden it was a wilderness. Maybe that’s what you need to encourage frogs.

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