Travel Theme: Love

I love my garden. To dig, cultivate even weeding is a joy I never tire of. First thing in a morning, before breakfast, even before I check my computer, I will go round to see that all the plants are ok. In the late afternoon, after the heat of the day has died down and I have spent time watering and caring for my plants, it is my favourite time to sit on the deck, coffee or wine in hand and just admire the beauty of pumpkin preperation bed 042

Today I came across this quote from Georgia O’Keeffe

When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it’s your world for the momentgarden experimental 091I want to give that world to someone experimental 090Most people in the city rush around so, they have no time to look at a flower

cheeky orchid
Do you think it is sticking its tongue out at all the city people?

I want them to see it, whether they want to or not…

I hope you have enjoyed really looking with me at just some of the flowers that are flaunting their beauty in my garden at the moment.

Finally I must share this tropical Heliconia that has just come into flower. For all those tiny ants scuttling busily around it, this is certainly their world for the moment and a sure sign that the heat and humidity of summer has arrived down pumpkin preperation bed 033_3496x3919


  1. That grevillea is even cooler up close. That is a genus that we should be growing more of here, although I dislike it because I am allergic to it. It is so well suited to our climates. Brent has heliconia across the front of his house, but I do not think that it has ever bloomed like yours!


  2. You really are living in paradise! Taking the time to really look at a flower really makes you appreciate nature and slows you down. So many people are rushing through life without taking the time to see what is around them.

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  3. I love that quote…about flowers being your world for the moment. Flowers have always been a great joy to me – but I do not like weeding the garden…Thank you for warming up and brightening this grey day!

    Liked by 1 person

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