20/20 Photo Challenge #2 : Composition.

A new challenge from my “blogging buddy” Jude has rekindled my interest in photography. Here is how Jude describes the challenge…

20/20 Photo Challenge

“I decided to challenge myself (and possibly you) by trying out various photographic techniques, skills or concepts. If you would like to join in then I have a 2020 Photo Challenge page set up to explain the simple guidelines and proposed monthly assignments.”


I’m using the garden as my muse this month and last week (here) I chose a bench to be my central focus.

This week I wandered around looking for inspiration. The garden is actually rather difficult to find a theme as it is crowded and overflowing with plants of all descriptions.untitled-4_4000x3000

I tried framing the scene with the ever handy Frangipani leaves along the top and the lush leaves of the Brazilian Red Cloak on the left. The red leaves and the path winding along taking your eye to the point of interest in the top third  where the prominent bromeliad flower is framed against the darker foliage. But it is all too busy. So I moved in closer.untitled-5_2738x3748Mmmm, not sure. The bromeliad is quite striking but those out of focus Frangipani leaves I find rather distracting.untitled-9_3000x4000This time I tried a portrait format and included another Bromeliad spike out of focus pointing toward the centre of interest…

One more try…untitled-7_3000x4000This Brom has been flowering so long since approximately last November, they are very good value, but it is starting to show its age, notice the black tassels. I should’ve removed that leaf on the right that has photo-bombed its way in.

Well I had fun, not sure I have actually produced a winning shot, but I tried. Why don’t you see what you can produce for Jude. It is an interesting challenge. Go here to see the lovely shot Jude has taken of the Godrevy lighthouse this week. One more week and there will be a new theme.


  1. The first shot works for me with the path leading the viewer’s eye towards the end. Maybe lose the frangipani leaves? I’m glad you are enjoying this, it’s interesting isn’t it to analyse a photo? And that last shot is a good example of shallow depth of field which I’ll be looking at later in the year. Thanks for showing me more of your lovely garden xxx

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  2. It’s often hard to find a *framing composition Pauline, I find that too ! I can see with your lovely garden that there could be many traps Lol in that flowers and leaves photo bomb and there’s nowhere you can move back to in order to keep everything you want to work together still in place *sigh 🙂 Quite a challenge !
    I do like your thoughts re your first picture .. I guess I just might have been tempted to run up the garden and put a stake to hold back that rather striking bromeliad .. not through it of course Lol
    It’s great you’re sharing your lovely exuberant flowering garden x

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