20/20 Photo Challenge : Patterns

Jude is hosting a “20/20 Photo Challenge” (here are the assignments). Each month she sets a new theme and gives tips about what to look for. Last month the theme was “composition”, this month it is “patterns”.

“This month we are going to look at Patterns. Patterns can be found everywhere, in nature or man-made constructions. For a photographer, using patterns is key to a good composition.

This week : Shoot from a different perspective. Look up, look down or shoot from a distance.


This week I have again resorted to going through the archives. It is not the heat that has stopped me going out, but the continuous, day after day of rain.

Q1 surfers Paradise pc 015_3000x4000With 78 floors this is the Q1 in Surfers Paradise. When it opened in 2005 it was the tallest residential building in the world. But is now down to the 6th tallest. Still impressive and the views are stunning. Follow this link to see more.

This is what I found for todays challenge : The first photo is looking up from the ground floor entrance as the building towers above you. The second photo is the view from the observation deck on the 77th floor…Q1 surfers Paradise pc 025_4000x3000Q1 surfers Paradise pc 088_3000x4000

The view from here is spectacular…Q1 surfers Paradise pc 066_3000x4000

Now to find something I’m looking down on…swell festivsl botanic gardens 060_5184x3888Going for a walk around the Gold Coast Botanic Garden a couple of years ago the beautiful dappled light on these paperbark trees caught my eye. But when I looked down it was the pattern of the ripples that I really liked.swell festivsl botanic gardens 064_5184x3888

Now an update on the weather : It is no longer the steady fall of refreshing rain I rejoiced in earlier. It has become a savage, staccato beast, sending sheets of rain pouring down in biblical proportions. Accompanied by the flash of lightening and the deep rumble and crash of thunder. In the dark I lay wide-eyed, listening and wondering what the morning will reveal.

Next day the TV news showed the chaos. The water pouring and pulsing as it rushes along. Drains unable to cope as the runoff surged along, gathering momentum, building deeper, toppling trees and blocking roads.

I recorded 266mm in 7 days in my rain gauge, more than the average for February. And the forecast is for at least another 3-4 days of rain. Apart from a very soggy garden our drains have, so far, coped with the deluge. So unusual to have constant rain. Cannot remember previously having so many consecutive days. Is this “climate change” in action?

Jude has a stunning selection for this weeks challenge. Pop over to see them. You may be tempted to join in this interesting and challenging challenge.


  1. Great photos PP, looking up at that tower block and all the architectural patterns. I’m not a fan of high rise buildings though, especially to live in. I much prefer that Paperback tree, the light you captured there is lovely and I’m happy you turned the lens to look down and see those ripples in the water. We’re in the middle of a huge storm from across the Atlantic right now. Supposed to be bad until midnight tonight, it’s looking pretty murky outside! I can see one casualty — a pot plant blown over, but I’m not planning on rescuing it at the moment! I remember a time when it was always wet over the Christmas period in the Brisbane area, obviously that has changed over recent years. These flash floods are awful though, they cause a lot of damage and destruction. I hope your garden survives – and you and Jack stay safe. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • I would never like to live in a high rise. In fact I am quite a fan of the little house movement. Just been talking to a long time friend in Yorkshire and she was telling us about the storm. We were comparing temperatures and rain fall etc. Hope it doesn’t do to much damage to your lovely potted bulbs.


  2. Lots of nice strong lines in the building photos, Pauline. Nice to visit but I bet you are glad to softer surfaces.
    Such a lot of rain! Hope some of it is ending up in water storages. Do you and Jack have kayaks?
    We got some rain today. Not much. 7 ml since 9am. Better than nothing.

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  3. You have an eye for contrast here Pauline ! Great post for the challenge . Loving the ripples .. what is it about water we love and find fascinating ??! It has of course has a flip side of which we are all aware … keep safe x

    Liked by 1 person

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