I think I’m going potty…

Pots, pots and more pots. In the past 2 years it has been like a silent invasion, slowly spreading like a rash across the back yard.pots 029_5184x3888Maybe you could call this group of pots charming, or pretty in the “Aw, aren’t they sweet!” way. With the delightful petunias in a lovely colour combination of pinks and purples backed by the multi coloured coleus.

Then I counted how many pots were gathered here. Oh my goodness, there are 9. Suddenly I had an enlightened moment. The pots are taking over…

So I decided to count just how many pots had accumulated…still life surf club 015_5184x3888In the back, with the geraniums and paper daisies planted in it, is a bath. I guess you can almost call that a giant pot. But I won’t add that to the total. But clustered around the bath are another 14 pots, some tucked down the back that you can’t see, but they still need watering every day.

pots 026_5184x3888
Jack made this pot and I think it is rather sweet…

pots 027_5184x3888There is the succulent collection hiding behind another geranium. Reclining in 12 pots that Jack has made. Oh goodness the beat goes on…

Bromeliads under the back steps. Even a giant pot with a water-lily and fish in it.

But wait, that’s not all I also have hanging baskets…

And just look what is along the northern side of the house…pots 030_5184x3888Pots in waiting… Even that Agave is in a pot…

I wonder if you can guess what the final tally was????

A staggering SIXTY NINE…

With cuttings from friends, annuals nurtured from seeds, bromeliads, succulents, hanging baskets and others that just somehow made their way into a pot, I couldn’t believe how they had taken over.

Back in 2010 when we started travelling I got rid of all pots (and I had a lot back then too) I gave them away, planted into the garden and as a last resort composted some, but resolved NOT to have pots again, in this climate they take a lot of looking after…

Incidentally that is not counting Jack’s baby Desert Roses and the new kid on the block, a Buddha’s Belly (Jatropha Podagrica). The only one that germinated of the 10 seeds Jack planted.

Enough is enough, they are taking over, and I am going to get my spare time back. So they have to go. I have other plans for the year and they don’t include watering pots every day…


  1. On my , you have a wonderful green thumb! They’re all lush and beautiful.

    I don’t, but wish I did. With all the droughts we have in California and water rationing I suppose I should look at it as a blessing that I am not. I wouldn’t be able to afford the water to feed them in the worst droughts.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You are a garden lover I would have all native plants that need little care.
    The garden is a pleasant activity, keeping active is necessary for good health.
    The garden is a great work out and no gym fees to pay.
    I’m keeping my desert roses they will go on the stand on the northern side of the house, they take little care once they get established.
    I plan to do some grafting mixing the colours and training them into interesting shapes using wire and careful pruning.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I can empathise. We have too many pots too. And I spend half my day watering! But hopefully, we will eventually have less when the puppy (now 18 months), gives up digging everything in the garden. We have to fence off any plant we want to keep. But you must admit, they do look beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Heavens, by the time you finish watering on an evening it must be almost time to get up next day. 🙂 🙂 I do know the feeling though because they do seem to have a habit of multiplying in our UK garden.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You are definitely a potty woman! Watering is a bit of bind, but then it means you can move the garden around. Good to see Jack’s desert rose seedlings. Don’t they look healthy. Am wondering where they are going to live though…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes I do move them around, it can sometimes be difficult to find a plant just the right permanent place in the garden as the sun and shade changes from month to month. Jack’s babies are going in those “pots in waiting” in the full sun on the north side. He made that special stand for them in the new mans cave/workshop.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh, this is paradise – pot paradise. I love my pots as well, but don’t have all those interesting plants. And not THAT many pots! I never mind watering – in fact I love it. That makes me follow them every day and see them grow. Cannot live without plants, can we?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love your pots ❤
    And if I lived closer I would be happy to take a few of those succulents off your hands for my sunny patio, and maybe a few coleus for the north-facing side. Whatever you do, don't compost them – put them up for sale. Maybe a bench at the front of your garden with pots for sale? Or adverts in a local shop? As LD says, you have a beautiful display.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love pots too except in the middle of the summer when they require twice daily watering. But, every spring I still drag those pots out and fill them up. I can’t help myself. 🙂 Now, please tell me about the large pot with the water lilies and the fish. I would love to try that. Shade or sun? What do you have to do to keep the water in good condition?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh my! Container gardening is overrated. It is a fad here, but also happens to work for those who move around or rent their homes. (Not many of us can afford to buy homes.) My mother grows many things in containers because she believes they need less work that way, but everything looks so badly in pots.

    Liked by 1 person

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